
Safety Services Provided by Qualified OSHA Experts!

Safety Training
National Safety Services, LLC, offers over 100 on-site safety training topics that can be combined to create unique programs to meet your training needs. Our sessions feature state-of-the-art presentation technology, digital clips, video, and hands-on exercises.
Topics are available in half-day, full-day, and multi-day workshops, and we welcome the opportunity to include your company-specific information, such as forms, photos, procedures, incidents, and more.

Safety Consulting
National Safety Services safety consulting programs are designed to meet your specific OSHA compliance needs.
Initial consultations are always free-call us today for help.

Safety Management
Given that your company’s needs are most likely diverse and growing, we offer flexible service plans as the best and most cost-effective solution to bringing you a variety of safety services. We will commit to a specified number of days on-site with you each month, balancing your needs and helping to manage the progress of your safety program. Best of all, you can start or stop this service at anytime-there are no long-term contract commitments.
If this sounds like an ideal solution to you, why not contact us for more information on this very popular service. Initial consultations are always free!

Safety Program Development
OSHA regulations require that employers develop written safety policies and procedures for managers and employees to use as guidelines. The development of a documented and effective safety and health program that exactly fits the needs of an organization is critical to the success of any company. The benefit of an effective program is that it will not only aid an employer in protecting their employees from workplace-related injuries and illnesses, it can also reduce the costs associated with those injuries and illnesses while at the same time improving employee morale and productivity.